Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Greatest Gift

Minerva School teamed up with our favorite missionaries, the Goodwins, to collect and distribute nearly 90 gifts last weekend.  I learned that most of these children have received less than 3 presents in their lifetime.  We loaded up the truck and took some students up the mountain to distribute the gifts. 

Nurse Beatty runs a food station out of her house.  She was a huge help getting the list of kids together and helping distribute the gifts we had collected.

After the kiddos were fed...

                                   (The dogs wanted to be fed, too)

Each child received a gift to take home...

It was such a wonderful Service Learning opportunity for our students.  They even walked to the pulperia and bought balloons to share with the children.

One of the sweetest moments was watching our students teach the children how to open presents.  It was the first gift this child had been given.  Such a humbling sight.

Sometimes the greatest lessons in life can't be taught in a classroom.