Sunday, January 22, 2012

Back to the Swing of Things

I know, I know.  Please forgive me for my lapse in blogging.  It's been tough getting back into a routine at school. 

 Here is what the past couple of weeks has been like by the numbers.
  • 2: Number of new students added to my class after Christmas vacation (neither of which speak any English)
  • -1: Number of seats I have left in my classroom
  • 5: Number of consecutive days that new student cried.
  • 2: Number of times I have rolled my ankle this week.  Ouch! 
  • 12: Number of hours I spent at school Friday. 
And for those who aren't mathematically inclined, here's my week in pictures.

Sweet sisters Valeria and Camila came over for tutoring and crafts...

My first graders conducted their first Hora Civica program... 

We spruced up the room for Parent-Teacher Conferences...

Beautiful Saturday in Erandique (a 2 hr, BUMPY ride away from Gracias)...

Cheering on the Gracianos in Erandique...

Thank goodness for grownups and weekends!