Monday, February 27, 2012

Best Dressed

As the Fashion Police analyze "Who Wore it Best" at the Oscars last night, I have compiled a list of the latest fashion trends in Gracias.  Enjoy!

Best Bling:
This guy takes the bedazzler to the next level.

Best Soccer Uniform:
Must be the frat boy team with their popped collars!

Best Music Band Uniform:
Pinstripes.  Gloves.  Tie.  Award....Speechless.

Best Performance Attire:
The lace and the vest.  Classic combination.

Best Hair:
Not many moms could pull off this color (see bottom left).

But the dads take the prize for facial hair...

Best Shoes:
Leave it to my students to be more in style than me.

Best Shorts:
I am not sure whether to pull out my bathing suit or pledge my allegiance.

Best Dressed Pup:
Sula Puchicha McClellan Hendrichs.  Yes, even in Honduras dogs wear shirts.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Kids Say the Darndest Things

True story.  Today during Phonics I asked students to identify what they saw in a photo. 

Me:  "What do you see?"
Student:  "A hamburger."
Me:  "Yes, but what do we call the bread of the hamburger?"
Student:  "Burger King!"

Yes, even in Honduras advertising works!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Besitos and Bonfires

I don't think I'll ever be able to fully explain the generosity that people have shown me during my time in Honduras.  This weekend, one of the families at the school invited me out for a day in the campo (country).We swam in the river, grilled and ended the night with singing and besitos (marshmallows) around a bonfire.  These are sweet memories that I'll always cherish.

Friday, February 17, 2012

100 Day Old Smarty

As if Valentine's Day wasn't enough excitement, we celebrated the 100th day of school this week. 

We made 100 Day hats and worked 100 piece jigsaw puzzles...


We watched a movie and read a book about the 100th Day of School...

We played "Roll the Die to 100"...

In art, we made pictures using the number 100.  I love how creative and different they are!

We survived the first 100 days of first grade!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Amor y Amistad

Today was a big day.  We moved into our new and improved classroom (just in time to celebrate Valentine's Day)!

Yesterday was a mad rush trying to get moved over after school.  Although the walls are still pretty bare, I did manage to get a few decorations up to surpise the kiddos.

No white board?  No problem!   Luckily our walls are tile.  Hopefully we'll get our real board soon.   In the meantime, the kids are having fun.

We had a fun day filled with projects...

Valentine card exchange...

And a heart-shaped, funfetti cake!

My favorite part of being in Honduras on Valentine's day is that they don't sell all of the commercial cards in the stores.  The kids hand-make their cards and they are so sweet and creative.

Feliz Dia del Amor y la Amistad!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Icing on the Cake

I failed to mention in my previous post that the school opening is just Phase 1 of the project.  Translation:  I didn't actually get to move over to the new building.  Preschool-3rd grade got left behind at the old school, but we did get the opportunity to spread out a little bit.  Things had gotten a little tight as the school enrollment continued to grow.  With 4 new students since Christmas, our room was rapidly shrinking.  I had to do some quick creative thinking to flip the tables (that were designed for 6 students) to accomodate 8!

Before:  Tight squeeze

We're moving into our new space Monday.  It's actually my classroom from last year. 

This picture was actually taken almost exactly a year ago.  We'll be celebrating the 100th day of school again next Friday.

Of course we took the opportunity to do a little re-decorating.

And it's official.  I'll be moving back to Baton Rouge at the end of June.  I know some of you never believed I'd be back.  I'm looking forward to starting the next adventure in my life.  If you know of any great jobs, send them my way!  Thank you for all of your support these past 3 years.  It surely will be hard to leave, but I know I have all of you behind me. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Opening Day

The doors of the new and improved Minerva School officially opened Monday.  In my 6 years of teaching, I have been lucky to be a part of 2 school openings.  There's nothing quite like a new, clean building.  Everything so fresh and unmarked.  The anticipation of little bodies filling the seats. 

The teachers (well most of us) have been hard at work getting everything ready. 

There was a short ribbon-cutting ceremony.


Including a performance of the Honduran National Anthem by the Minerva School band.

After the cermony snacks were served, of course, and the students got to tour the new building.


It's been an amazing 3 years watching this project from when it was first presented to the parents on a Powerpoint slide show, to actually walking through the doors for the first time.  Congratulations, Minerva!