Saturday, August 27, 2011

From Operating Room to Classroom

As teachers, we live for Back to School.  One of my favorite pastimes is decorating my classroom.  I remember many summers spent searching the sale ads at Office Depot and Staples for penny deals.  And we would practically camp out the night before Mardel's Sale so we could get all of the good offers.  Those days are gone, but fortunately because of my dear, sweet family and friends, I am still able to turn my sad (what was once an operating room back in the day) concrete classroom into something cheerful and welcoming for my students.   

I am THRILLED to have tables this year.  The desks we've had in the past were too big and not functional for first grade.  Kids toppled over in their desks.  Kids knocked the desks over when they walked by.  Food went flying off the desks as the desks fell over during lunch.  I'm glad my BEGGING finally paid off.

I am even more excited about how the tables turned out.  I love the shape and how I can puzzle them together.  I could even make one giant group!  Also, what you can't see from the pictures is that the surface is dry erase.  We'll literally be able to write on the tables.  How fun!  Who knew that tables could add so much to the class?

Another small thing that will make a huge difference in first grade...a sink!!! 


I can't wait for these chairs to be full of squiming 6 year olds and the walls to be plastered with their work.  Stay tuned for pictures of this year.

And many of you have been asking how you can send us things.  Here's the address:

Julie Pace
Minerva School
Bo. Rosario, Edif. Fundena
Gracias, Lempira

Yes, I know the address looks funny with no street numbers or zip codes, but things do get here.  If you send something, please just let me know.  Mail does not get delivered directly.  I have to go pick it up from the post office.  Thanks again for all of your support.  

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