Monday, March 12, 2012

The ABC's of Honduras: A is for...

My time is winding down and I have lots of great photos and memories to share.  I decided to start a series of posts titled "The ABC's of Honduras" to hopefully reflect on my adventures and my time here.  I'll continue posting each day until we reach Z.  Enjoy!

A is for Arte...
Painted on the side of a building, hanging on the walls of museums and classrooms, or pottery made by hand, art is everywhere in Honduras.  Buried in our little pueblo is some incredible talent and I am fortunate to call many of these artists my friends.

Casa Galeano is the former home of a local artist turned into an art museum. 
Minerva School art teacher, Mr. Luis, is also a well-known artist in town.
Valle de Angles is a town centered around art.

Art can make a political statement, too!

Handmade Lenca pottery.

Budding artist?
Incredible talent showcased at a local hotel.

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