Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This Little Gringa Went to the Market...

It all started with the gift of bananas.  People here like to gift fruit.  You see, almost everyone has a mango, banana, orange, lime, avocado, or some fruit-bearing tree at their home.  Students regularly give me bagfulls of produce. I LOVE it!  Well, this week Orson brought over some bananas.  And when you give Julie bananas, she'll want to make banana bread.  But first she'll need the eggs... (I feel like I just stepped out of "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie...)  So off to town I went.

There are days, like today, where I miss just "running" to the store to grab a few things.  Don't get me wrong.  I love my peaceful, quiet neighborhood.  I live in the outskirts of Gracias in a neighborhood called Colonia Borjas.  There are lots of kids playing in the streets and families around.  We're far away from the hustle and bustle of downtown.  I regulary walk outside to find random wildlife parked outside of my house.  Just yesterday, I got a good scare when I opened the door to sweep and found a giant cow chilling literally in front of my door staring back at me.  (I have developed an unnatural fear of cows after watching a dog get speared by one last year). 

Anyway, going into town is a big ordeal.  I try to make only one trip a day in the blazing heat.  I find myself checking and rechecking my list before I head out of the door.  It's not like you can just run back if you forget something.  Then, I make the treck up the big hill into town.  Sometimes, if I'm feeling particularly lazy, I'll catch this sweet ride...

Although usually it involves having to make small talk with some over-zealous man who asks questions like "Do you dye your eyes?" or "Do you have a boyfriend, doll?" (To which my response is always, Yes!  A big, mean, jealous one) 

So my day today started with a trip to the bank. I made my way past the 3 guards armed with rifles and went to pay my internet.  I still do not understand how it takes an hour minimum to complete any sort of transaction.  I stood in line and counted 30 patrons and 12 tellers.  And it still took me an HOUR!!!  I would first recommend mandatory typing lessons for all of the tellers.  Hunt and peck is just not acceptable.  Second, there is the issue of "the fila."  They don't know how to make a line.  I kid you not, each person walks in and heads right up to the counter, ignoring the weaving snake of people.  Oh, that's a line?  Oh, I have to go to the end of that?  One thing I will say is that the bank is one of a handful of places in town that is air-conditioned.  :)

Next, I have to head to the fruit stand.  (They don't sell produce at the supermarket.)  I love that the produce here has so much flavor.  Of course, you'll only find the things that are grown locally and in season, but there's nothing better than a nice, ripe pineapple or mango.  Better than candy. 

On the way back to the market, a man tries to sell me ibuprofen, telling me that it is a cure for upset stomachs from eating spicy food.  Haha.  I am from Texas, sir.  I LOVE spicy food.  And I have a giant bottle of Advil.  For headaches.  And swelling.  Really though, people who aren't educated will believe anything.  It's quite unfortunate.  There are often travelling pharmacists on the bus selling the cures for ADHD, pregnant women whose husbands work too much, and insomnia all in ONE PILL! 

2 hours and miles of walking later I am finally back at home with one chicken breast, 3 mangoes, a pineapple, a bag of milk (yes, milk is sold in bags), a carton of orange juice, and a paid internet bill.  It's exausting! 

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